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A Unique Spiritual Medium











Welcome!  I am here to offer spiritual guidance in the form of written oracle readings as a channel for Source, that from which we come, whom you may call God, the Universe, or any other name you may prefer.   My intentions are pure, and my goals are to assist, uplift, inform, guide, and create the best experience possible for you in an Oracle Reading context.


Oracle cards themselves contain messages.  When I channel, it is Source energy (who is pure, positive energy) and their messages which are conveyed through the cards as a vessel for those messages.  My readings consist of the messages of the cards coupled with my intuition to address your questions.  I additionally channel regarding general guidance for your life. 


 I allow Source to flow through me, I do not pick or choose any of the cards.  The energy flows and the cards fly out.  I am conscious to clear my energy and raise my vibration through meditation, intentions, affirmations, and scripting on a daily basis.  It is my goal for Source's energy to be dominant for readings.

 My readings are authentic and come from a place of genuine love.  There is a difference that can be felt viscerally when one allows Source in this way.  I am telling you this because the messages in the Reading document that you will receive from me are inspired by Source.   I want to be completely transparent with you regarding how the process works as I know there can be misconception, fear, and deception within this industry.


Though the spiritual realm is perceived outside of the senses with which we are most familiar, there are laws of the Universe that are very logic-based.  I encourage you to consider looking into the law of attraction/vibration as a means to further your expansion.


There is so much love for you!  I feel blessed to engage with you in this way.  Thank you!!




"Peace comes from within. . ."


Client Reviews

Woman in Black Swimsuit

Amy gave me the most accurate reading I have ever had in my life.  She is genuine and truly cares about you.  I was supposed to be going on a trip with my family when Amy did my reading and she was able to suss out some of the family dynamics that have plagued my family.  She shared that they could possibly come out on the trip and that I should prepare myself.  I was totally amazed that she understood that about us.  She also gave me greater clarity regarding a traumatic situation I'd just had with a guy.  I would definitely have her read for me again, her guidance gave me peace. 

Megan C.


Amy is one of the most intuitive Readers I have ever had.  She is genuinely tapped in, and some of the insight even gave me chills.  I really appreciate having the written document of the reading as well.  I will definitely be back. 




Red Hair Girl

I've known Amy since we were kids. She has been highly intuitive and prophetic for as long as I can remember.   I often turn to her for spiritual advice and guidance.  She has provided accurate predictions when dealing with some legal matters that I've been through,  has given me greater clarity in relationship situations, and has shared general guidance for my overall well-being.  She is smart, honest,  and her intentions are pure.  

Lisa V.

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